Yixuan Xu
Software Engineer
Software engineer with 5 years of experience building complex web applications using TypeScript, React, and Next.js. Core developer for popular open source libraries SWR and Nextra. Built high-impact projects including developing advertising platform and mobile apps for Tencent and CMGFintech. Known for rapidly delivering robust code, collaborating cross-functionally, and consistently meeting tight deadlines. Passionate about shipping quality code and solving problems creatively.
2021.06 ~ 2023.06
Senior Frontend Engineer - IEG
Responsible for the development of game growth platform, mainly participating in the infrastructure construction, performance optimization and feature development.
- Developed and maintained core modules for the game growth platform, supporting automated advertisement campaigns for major titles like League of Legends: Wild Rift, Golden Shovel, etc.
- Researched and optimized build speeds, doubling build performance. Generalized upgrade strategies and promoted them for use in other department projects.
- Led monorepo refactoring, rapidly consolidating component libraries and main repositories to streamline cross-repo collaboration, reduce versioning overhead, and largely simplify workflows.
- Overhauled CI/CD pipelines, developing remote caching and branch previewing service to cut build/release times by 30% and boost testing efficiency. Significantly increased delivery speed and quality.
2018.12 ~ 2021.05
Software Engnieer - Innovation Centre
- Developed CMB Headlines IOS and Android App using React Native and TypeScript.
- Developed Financial Intelligence Platform, contributing to frontend and backend.
- Build a React scaffhold for the department.
- Redesigned and implemented cache synchronization for SWR 2.0 to make it fully compatible with React 18.
- Continuously improving TypeScript interface of SWR for better developer experience.
- Answering issues and fixing bugs, landed 80+ PRs so far.
- Refactored the whole project with TypeScript and Turborepo.
- Built a webpack cache plugin, reduced the total build time by 10%.
- Answering issues and fixing bugs, landed 30+ PRs so far.
Turbocache is remote caching service built with Next.js, PlanetScale and Cloudflare R2 to accelerate monorepo builds. It could be used with popular monorepo tools like Nx, Rush, Turborepo, etc.
University of Southampton
2017.09 ~ 2018.12
Data Science - MSc
Southampton - UK
University of Liverpool
2013.06 ~ 2017.06
Computer Science and Technology - BEng
Liverpool - UK